New regulations announced by the Obama administration will make it possible for some parents who are incarcerated to pause their child support payments while they are in prison. The regulations are scheduled to be implemented in 2017 and have drawn objections from...
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Year: 2015
Custody and visitation with special circumstances
As some Pennsylvania residents know, rape victims are sometimes forced to interact with their rapists if a child is conceived during the rape. This is due in part to an absence of rules that regulate such interaction in about 15 states. Others do so, leaving the woman...
Detecting fraud and asset concealment in divorce
Most Pennsylvania couples who are going through a divorce will not have to worry about financial fraud, but in a small number of cases, hiding or even destroying assets can be a problem. In some divorces, something known as dissipation may occur. This is when a spouse...
The role of the forensic accountant in a divorce
Pennsylvania residents who are going a through a divorce know that the entire process can be very emotional, delicate and complicated. Negotiating child support, child custody, alimony and the division of assets can be stressful, and even more so when the couple is...
Financial ramifications of a divorce
Going through a divorce can be emotionally difficult for many Pennsylvania couples, but it can also greatly impact both parties' financial situations. Part of this can be due to alimony and child support payments, but the majority of the change is from now-separate...
Man facing civil contempt in divorce case
Pennsylvania couples who are going through a divorce and who are struggling with property division issues might be interested in knowing about a case that is wending its way through the New York court system. The man in that case is facing civil contempt for refusing...
Equitable distribution rules in Pennsylvania divorces
Many people believe that marital property is divided equally when a couple decides to divorce. States that divide marital assets in this way are known as community property states, but Pennsylvania follows what are called equitable property distribution rules. There...
Same-sex divorce coming to Pennsylvania
With the June 2015 Supreme Court ruling enabling same-sex couples to marry across the country, same-sex divorce is inevitable. In the majority of these situations, the divorce process will proceed in the same way as any other divorce cases, especially if the couple...
Traditional gender roles for women could cause marital strife
According to a recent study presented at the American Sociological Association, women in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States who are in a heterosexual marriage are more likely to initiate a divorce than men. However, in relationships where the couple is not...
Safeguarding support payments through disability insurance
While the end of a marriage can be stressful and difficult for Pennsylvania residents, a loss of child support or alimony income because of an ex-spouse's death or disability could lead to another stressful situation. The party depending on that support for meeting...