There is no doubt that divorce can have serious financial consequences. These changes may take some Pennsylvania residents by surprise. It is important for people whose marriages are coming to an end to understand how a divorce may affect their financial situation...
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Month: August 2017
Avoiding penalties with retirement account division in divorce
Early withdrawal of retirement funds from any tax-sheltered account typically results in a tax penalty. However, there are ways around this during a divorce in Pennsylvania. Current and former federal workers may have a Thrift Savings Plan, which is treated...
Without children, who should keep the house after a divorce?
When you and your spouse choose to divorce, it can often seem overwhelming to suddenly face the many issues divorce presents. If you find yourself feeling this way, don't worry -- you're not alone. Many couples have trouble connecting the dots between understanding...
Closing joint bank or credit card accounts
If Pennsylvania residents want to close a joint bank account, they may be wise to get permission from the joint account holders. Good communication prior to closing the account may reduce the possibility of a misunderstanding as to where the money goes. When a couple...
Child support calculators do not include all circumstances
Pennsylvania parents who are considering a divorce might be thinking about how much child support they or their spouse will pay monthly. If they choose to look up the amount using a child support calculator worksheet that corresponds to state laws, they might find...