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What are the steps to modifying Pennsylvania child support?

On Behalf of | May 26, 2021 | Child Support |

Pennsylvania child support laws can assist you with ensuring your children receive funds for their care and well-being from a non-custodial parent. The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare notes that these funds cover the cost of food, clothing and medical support.

If you believe you need a child support modification, such as if your current financial situation changes or want to increase the payments you receive, there are a few steps you can take to seek these changes.

1. Speak to an attorney

Hiring an attorney and asking for a child support modification consultation can help you understand whether you have the right to ask for an increase and whether you qualify for it. Your lawyer can review several circumstances that may help you seek a support increase, including:

  • An increase in the non-custodial parent’s pay
  • New or increased medical costs for your children
  • Medical insurance modifications
  • Your children have increased medical costs

While Pennsylvania laws regarding child support modification may vary, having an attorney who can help you navigate the process can make it simpler for you.

2. Gather documents

Having proof of the non-custodial parent’s increase in pay or any other change in his or her financial circumstances can help prove your case. Employment records, bank statements, paternity forms and even texts that discuss such an increase may help you win a modification.

3. Petition the court

In Pennsylvania, child support payments operate under the management of Domestic Relations Sections, which enforce any support orders handed down by the court. While the DRS reviews child support cases every three years, you may request a modification before this time by petitioning your local court for an increase in support. The non-custodial parent can also challenge your request.

The DRS can offer you assistance with a child support modification no matter where the non-custodial parent resides. It is wise to keep a record of all contacts from both the organization and your ex-spouse during a modification request.
