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Why you shouldn’t believe everything you read about divorce

On Behalf of | Feb 16, 2024 | Divorce |

Divorce is a subject that is often sensationalized in the news. This approach can help to attract readers or viewers, but it doesn’t always do those who turn in a service. This sensationalism can lead to a skewed portrayal of divorce, fostering misconceptions and biases that don’t necessarily reflect the complexities and nuances of ending a marriage. 

As a result of this reality, it’s important to approach what you read or hear about divorce in the media with a critical eye, recognizing that the truth is often more complicated – and possibly far less dramatic, most of the time – than it appears. 

The sensationalism of divorce

Media outlets often prioritize stories that are sensational or dramatic because they attract more attention. Divorce, especially when it involves celebrities or high-profile individuals, is ripe for this kind of sensationalism. Reports may focus on scandalous details, acrimonious splits or large financial settlements, painting a picture of divorce that is fraught with conflict and drama. In reality, many couples manage to navigate the end of their marriage while prioritizing mutual respect and cooperation.

Lack of context and complexity

Every couple’s situation is unique and influenced by a myriad of factors. Media reports may not delve into these complexities, opting instead for a more simplistic narrative that can misrepresent the realities of divorce. This lack of depth can perpetuate stereotypes and misconceptions, such as the idea that one party is always to blame or that children are inevitably harmed by divorce.

The focus on the negative

News stories about divorce frequently emphasize the negative aspects of divorce, such as legal battles, financial disputes and emotional turmoil. While these concerns can be part of the divorce process, they don’t represent everyone’s stories. Positive outcomes, such as successful co-parenting arrangements and personal growth post-divorce, are less likely to be featured in the news.

The influence of bias

Media bias can also shape how divorce is portrayed. Depending on the outlet’s perspective or the specific narrative they wish to promote, stories about divorce may be framed in a way that aligns with certain ideologies or viewpoints. This bias can influence how information is presented, which details are emphasized, and which are omitted, leading to a distorted view of divorce and its impact on families.

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that the way divorce is portrayed in the news may not always reflect reality. Keeping this in mind can help you to approach the subject more realistically all the way around. 
