Every day, throughout Pennsylvania and across the country, there are couples facing the struggle of navigating the troubled waters of divorce while still loving their children. It’s no secret that many couples find it difficult to divorce without the process having negative effects on their kids.
Often, the strains on children begin with the strategies implemented by a parent or one’s legal counsel. When children are viewed as a negotiating chip for an attorney whose only concern is negotiating the most lucrative settlement for a client, pretty much everyone loses in the long run.
Strategies like these often lead to deep hurt between parents and their kids. No settlement of any size can replace ongoing healthy relationships with children who are free from emotional harm caused by an acrimonious divorce process.
Plan for a future where everyone can win
Part of a healthy approach to divorce is being willing to work with your spouse as a team: You must create a plan for the future that truly puts your children first, regardless of the hurts that you or your spouse may have caused each other.
As a responsible parent, you have a responsibility to consider what is really in your children’s best interest. This may mean making concessions to the other parent and sacrificing some of your privileges.
However, this does not mean that you should be walked over simply because you are trying to create a good life for your family. An experienced attorney can help you negotiate confidently and seek a truly fair division of property, privileges, and responsibilities.
As much as being a loving parent may sometimes mean sacrifice, it also means setting a good example to your family for standing your ground in the face of an unfair situation.
All conflict is resolved more equitably with proper help
In some situations, one parent or the other truly is not a healthy influence to your children, or even an outright danger. Recognizing these situations may not always be easy when you are inside of them.
An experienced attorney who has a track record of facilitating divorces where the children’s best interests are front and center can help you identify untenable situations and help you take the appropriate steps to keep yourself and your children safe. You will ensure that all parties’ rights remain protected in the process.
If you are ready to get your divorce on the right track toward finality while keeping your children front and center, do not hesitate to contact and experienced, compassionate attorney. He or she will help walk with you through this difficult season and make a fresh start on the other side.