What To Do After A DUI Or DWI Arrest
It doesn’t take much to be charged with drunk driving in Pennsylvania. A blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 is enough to get you arrested. If you are under age 21, it only takes a BAC of .02 to be charged with underage drinking. In either case, you are facing significant penalties.
It is important to act quickly in response to a DUI/DWI-related charge, so do not wait to get a skilled Wyomissing DUI and DWI lawyer on your side right away. Our law firm defends clients charged with drunk driving in all of the Lehigh Valley. The sooner you call us, the sooner we can begin to work toward the most favorable possible resolution.
Get Help With Drunk Driving Charges
Many people feel embarrassed when charged with drunk driving. We do not judge you. We help you. No matter what questions you may have, our experienced attorneys can get you the answers you are looking for. A drunk driving charge does not have to be the end of the world, but there are serious consequences — so you need to be sure you have a serious defense to this alleged crime.
We can discuss the penalties for first-time offenders and the punishments for those with previous offenses. Our attorneys will explain the options available for your defense, including analysis of the processes and procedures carried out during your arrest.
We Are On Your Side
To schedule a free consultation with one of our criminal defense attorneys, please call Rowe Law Offices, P.C., at 610-816-0935 or 866-232-1913. You can also reach us via email.