Assisting With Child Custody Modifications
If your child custody and visitation arrangement isn’t working anymore, you can seek to change it. However, it is important to do this by filing a petition to modify your existing order. Otherwise, the change would not be enforceable.
At Rowe Law Offices, P.C., our attorneys offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions about child custody and visitation modifications in Pennsylvania. From our offices in Wyomissing and Lancaster, we serve clients across Pennsylvania.
When Can I Change Child Custody Or Visitation?
The following are examples of times when you can file a petition to modify a child custody or visitation order:
- A parent with primary residential custody wants to relocate.
- A parent with visitation rights wants to change visitation days due to job change, relocation or other reasons.
- A parent wants to increase/decrease visitation.
- An older child wants to live with another parent.
- A parent’s drug use, lifestyle changes or other behavior places a child at risk.
In determining whether to modify a child custody or visitation order, the court will consider what is in the best interests of the child rather than what you want as a parent. As a result, your reason for seeking a modification must place your child’s best interests first.
If you change child custody or visitation, you may be allowed to change child support as well.
Why Do I Need A Court-Ordered Modification?
Even if you and your spouse agree to the change, you should still obtain a court-ordered modification. Otherwise, you will still be bound by the terms of the old order if you and your ex have a dispute.
Call Our Pennsylvania Child Custody Modification Lawyers
For more information about child custody and visitation modifications, turn to the experienced family law attorneys at Rowe Law Offices, P.C. Call 610-816-0935 or 866-232-1913, or send us an email to schedule a free initial consultation.